臺大校長序 臺大教授畫臺大 如何使用本書 本書特色 臺大校園的四季風光 彩繪著色本 謝教授簡歷 參考書籍 參考網頁 臺大空拍 銷售處 HOME
1994 年,我去日本札幌參加世界超音波醫學會,抽空前往參觀北海道大學校園。位於高緯度的北海道,北海道大學校園裡面的四季景色極為分明。冬天大雪覆蓋,一片銀白;春天四處充滿綠意,生機盎然;夏天繁花似錦,燦爛繽紛;秋天則是金、紅雙色交錯的楓葉鋪成的詩意風情。我買了一本北海道大學校園四季風光攝影及做為紀念,心想,有一天我應該也可以出本書來描繪臺大校園的四季風光。尤其,臺灣大學與北海道大學是同一時期建立的帝國大學,兩者的建築風貌十分神似。假若不看門牌,還會以為自己置身臺大。
就從一月開始吧!臺灣不會下雪,冬天要畫什麼呢?左思右想,發現我上通識課的共同教室,夏天時覆蓋了整棟建築的長春藤,到一月時葉子幾乎全部掉落,暴露出交錯盤繞的樹枝爬滿了牆面。倒是根部附近還是綠意盎然,迎著寒風在冬陽下,仍是精神抖擻,似乎在寒冬中依舊努力地進行光合作用,來維持整個樹枝網絡的命脈,以待來春再出發。樹枝上殘餘的幾片長春藤葉子在寒風中搖晃抖動,讓人想起美國作家O. Henry 的《The Last Leaf》。
共同教室是我給學生上通識課的教室。通識課(liberal education)是大學教育的核心,而長春藤沾了Ivy League的光,似乎也是優質高等教育的一個象徵,但是Ivy League的大學應該不會有椰子樹。這些景象加總在一起,應該多少可以呈現「臺大」與它的冬景吧!
三月是最容易表現的月份了,因為有盛開的杜鵑。我站在舊總圖前,面向校門的方向取景。近景是一棵怒放的粉紅與雪白交雜的杜鵑,草地上已有些許落英,遠景則是成列的椰子樹。畫面中還可以看到臺大校園中的主要植物 :長出青翠新葉的樟樹與團團矗立的龍柏。
時光飛逝,人事更迭,這些校園速寫讓時光凍結,讓片刻變成永恒,成為一代又一代臺大人的記憶。最後借用電影「屋上提琴手」(Fiddler on the Roof)的歌詞,做為結語。

Sunrise, Sunset
Sunrise, Sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears


さて、1月から始めよう!と思っても、雪が降らない台湾の1月は、何を描けばいいのか。あれこれを考えているうちに、自分が教養授業を教える時に使うあの共同教室棟のツタを思い出した。夏に建物全体を覆い尽くし、1月になると葉っぱがほぼ全部落ちて、その付着根が交じり合って外壁を絡む姿を見せるあのツタだ。意外なことに冬の寒風の中でも根元あたりが依然と緑を茂らせており、冬日の下で元気そうに光合成をしっかりと働かせて、蜘蛛の巣のようになった枝を来年の春の再出発まで健康な状態に保とうとしているように見えた。寒風の中、まだ枝に残っている僅かな数枚のツタの葉はゆらゆらと吹かれる様子は、アメリカ作家O.Henry氏の作品『The Last Leaf』を思い出させてくれた。
共同教室棟は教養授業の教室だ。教養授業(liberal education)は大学教育の核心である。ツタもアメリカでの名門私立大学連盟アイビーリーグ(Ivy League)に因んで優秀な高等教育の象徴である。もっとも、アイビーリーグの大学にはヤシの木がないはずだが。これらの要素が相まって、多少なりとも台大という大学、そしてそのキャンパスの冬景色を表現できるはずだ。
7月。夏休み中のため、キャンパスの中はからからで描けるものが見つからないから、「百年老舗」の台大病院を描くことにした。1895年設立の台大病院は三級古跡(2000年から直轄市指定古跡 と改称。日本の重要文化財と同等。)であり、その建築様式と規模は独特で他に類を見ないという。設立以来百年の間に、台大病院を絵に描いた人は数え切れないほど多いものの、私が描いた台大病院には際立つ特別な要素がある。それは、台大病院の後ろの空を貫くような勢いでそびえ立つ新光商業ビルだ。かつてあのビルがなかった頃はもちろんだが、ビルが建てられた後でも、殆どの人はわざとあのビルを写真や絵から抜かしてきたのだ。私はあのビルを背景にしたのは、「現在の社会では、医者は社会地位の上位者どころか、金銭と権力が称賛される雰囲気のなか、しばしば気が挫ける事に向き合わざるを得ない職業となってきたのだ。」と医学科の学生に伝えたいからだ。現実に直面できるには、彼らが予めそんな覚悟をしておかなければならないと、私は考えた。
「移れば変わる世の習い」。このように描いたキャンパスのイラストが時間をとめ、一瞬を永遠にして、世代にわたって全ての台大生の記憶になることを願いたい。最後に、映画「屋根の上のバイオリン弾き」(原作英語名『Fiddler on the Roof』)の中の歌の歌詞を借りて締め括りをつけたいと思う。

Sunrise, Sunset
Sunrise, Sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

  Four Seasons at NTU
I attended the WFUMB (The World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology) Congress in Sapporo in 1994. In the trip, I visited Hokkaido University. Located at high latitude, the campus presents distinct views in different seasons. Covered in snow, the campus is luminously white in winter. Thriving sprouts all around bring a green spring before flowers celebrate a colorful summer. A mixture of red and golden leaves in autumn compose a beautiful poetry. I bought myself a book of photos capturing the beauty of seasons at Hokkaido University. “Wouldn't it be good to publish someday a similar book depicting the four seasons on NTU campus?” I wondered. Hokkaido University and National Taiwan University were both imperial universities established in the same period (1886-1939) and therefore share similar architecture style. Strolling in Hokkaido University sometimes gave me an illusion that I were in NTU.
Although NTU, unlike Hokkaido University, is located in sub-tropical area where four seasons do not show distinct difference from each other, we can still detect the slight difference between spring and summer, autumn and winter if we observe patiently. However, busy with daily routine, we just seldom pay attention to the environment in which we study and work. Obsessed with various distractions, we stop appreciating the scenery around us. On top of that, it is traditionally believed that NTU is no more than a stepping-stone from which graduates fly to the USA in pursuit of further studies. Consequently, fewer and fewer people are willing to stop and admire the beautiful scenery in different seasons on campus.
Let's start from January. It does not snow in Taiwan. I pondered for a while what I should paint for January. Common Subjects Classroom Building where I give lectures for liberal education then came to my mind. The building is covered with ivy in the summer. When winter comes, most of the leaves fall. Only climbing stems intermingle with each other on the walls in January. However, green leaves can still be found slightly above the ground. Vigorous and energetic, they strive to perform photosynthesis under the winter sun to keep the plant alive and wait for spring to come. Few leaves on the stem shaking in the wind reminds me of The Last Leaf, a short story by American writer O. Henry.
It was a sunny winter day. The palm tree in front of the building cast its shadow on the wall. I spent half an hour finishing 80% of the drawing. It was pretty cold despite the strong sunshine. My fingers froze after I sketched for half an hour outdoors. I had no choice but to stop and finish, with the aid of the photo taken, the picture for January at home.
Liberal education is the core of tertiary education. Ivies climbing the building where student receive liberal education share the glory of the Ivy League and therefore symbolize quality higher education. However, one cannot find palm trees in Ivy League universities. So the building for liberal education, ivies and palm trees together may well characterize NTU campus in winter.
Spring comes in February. I chose Administration Building as the main theme for February. In the foreground is the branch of a camphor tree, putting forth green young sprouts. A few bushes of azalea, after a long solitary winter, cannot wait to blossom. Built in the period of Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University (1928), The Administration Building is a very important construction in NTU history. It has a very sharp look with black tile roofs on top of red bricks. If we recognize the period of Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University as part of NTU history, we should be celebrating our anniversary not on November 15, but on April 28 when Taihoku Imperial (Taipei) University was founded. Preserving the building but not recognizing its history is actually against the university's spirit in pursuit of truth.
Azalea in full bloom makes March the easiest month to depict. Standing in front of the Old Main Library, I faced the main entrance and painted what I saw. In the foreground is a bush of azalea with beautiful pink and white flowers. Some of the flowers fell already. In the background are a row of palm trees. The picture also depicts some important plants on campus, such as the camphor tree with fresh leaves growing vigorously and dragon juniper with branches extending spirally.
White fringe tree is the obvious choice for April. I painted the white fringe tree in between Student Activity Center and Main Library. White fringe tree is a kind of local Taiwanese plant. When it, following the March azalea, blossoms in April, the delicate white flowers on the tree look like a layer of snow. Azalea always comes into mind when people talk about NTU. It is a pity that rarely do visitors come to appreciate white fringe tree. In the background is the bell tower, a representative building that characterizes many universities. The rising tower and the winding corridor beside constitute part of the magnificent building of the Main Library. Left to the white fringe tree is a palm tree, the tree on NTU Emblem. Its newly-grown feather-shaped leaves extending to the still sky portray the early spring on campus. The library bell tower still needs a hunchback to complete the story, but I doubt if anyone would be interested in this post.
Spring ends in May and summer begins. I chose to paint the row of golden shower trees next to the College of Medicine on Linsen South Road. Golden shower trees produce clusters of yellow flowers in May. Like a gorgeous golden chandelier, the flowers in elegant but eye-catching bright yellow have delicate texture and structure. Long dark brown bean-pods produced after the flowers that withered in the previous year can also be found on branches. No other plant can represent May on campus except golden shower tree.
June is the season of graduation while flamboyant tree has long been regarded as the plant of graduates. Blossoms of the two flamboyant trees on both sides of the Fu Bell declare the beginning of graduation season, and became the theme of June. I painted the flamboyant tree to the left of Administration Building against the newly furnished College of Liberal Arts as background. Not blessed with proper weather, the tree produced only a very small amount of blossoms in early June. To deliver a true picture, I painted the tree as it was to record the fact that the flamboyant tree on campus did not blossom much in 2010.
Summer vacation starts in July and leaves me with an empty campus to capture. I therefore headed to National Taiwan University Hospital. Founded in 1895, the hospital of unique design and scale was designated as municipal historic site in 1998. What distinguishes this picture from many others captured in the past few decades is probably the high-rising Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Building in the background. It was not there when the hospital was constructed. But even after it was built, painters normally chose not to include the building in their paintings. I included the skyscraper in my painting as I want to remind medical students that in a society that chases money and power, the social status of doctors is not as superior as previously. Bearing this in mind, hopefully they are more prepared to face the reality when they start practicing medicine.
The yellow cabbie in front of the hospital is another indicator of time. Sixty years ago, it was rickshaw rather than taxi that waited at the entrance of the hospital.
August in Taiwan is hot and humid. It corresponds to July on the lunar calendar (the so-called Ghost Month) when Taiwanese observe the Chungyuan Festival and offer food including chicken and duck to ghosts. As the Taiwanese saying "A duck to be sacrificed in Ghost Month knows not its plight" goes, ducks may well represent August. I therefore painted birds at Liugongjun Pool. The big one is muscovy duck and the small one is night heron. As a kid, I was always called an "àm-kong-tsiáu" (night heron in Taiwanese) because I always played around at night even when it was bedtime. But I never met a real night heron until I visited Liugongjun Pool. It stood still at the pool's edge like a statue. It has plumes of royal blue over the body with some long handsome white plumes extending from the side of the head.
Chungyuan Festival marks the high point of Ghost Month (July on the lunar calendar) when Taiwanese offer food including chicken and duck to ghosts.
With autumn just around the corner, a row of Taiwanese rain trees at Lu Ming Square start to produce yellow flowers at the end of September. Taiwanese rain tree is a specie native to Taiwan. The clusters of small yellow flowers at the top of the trees look extremely sharp against the backdrop of blue sky and green leaves. On seeing this, we know that autumn is around. The flowers only last for one week before turning brown. In these places, the trees start to produce rosy pink seed capsules. The seeds are commonly used as beads of rosary.
On a crisp October day, one can enjoy the autumn scenery alongside the Liugongjun Pool at Agricultural Experimental Farm. Although unlike Japan we do not have colorful autumn foliage, we can still sense the arrival of autumn from the withering branches on campus. With breeze blowing slowly on the face, I indulged myself in an open and delightful view at the poolside. The setting sun cast a rosy glow on the eastern sky and the clouds were reflected on the sparkling surface of the pool. Brightened by the light of the setting sun, autumn clouds over the eastern hills changed shapes and colors all the time, creating a magnificent landscape. The picture described in Du Fu's poem that white clouds change suddenly into grey dogs then came into my mind. Unfortunately, more and more buildings appeared above the eastern horizon and started concealing the hills on the east. One may no longer have the pleasure of appreciating the scenery in the near future.
Autumn ends in November. The angular structure of the aged classrooms next to Xiao Xiao Fu Commissary stands vigorously in a drizzle. The single-floored building, exactly where Taihoku Senior School of Agriculture and Forestry was located, was constructed before the establishment of Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University which later used it for classrooms and laboratories. Therefore, it is said to be the oldest classrooms on campus. For years, students come and go along the sheltered corridor on sunny and rainy days.
Forty-five years ago when I was a freshman, I had my zoology lab sections here. Surviving World War II, the building stands firmly at where it is for almost a century. Traces of machine gun bullets shot in an air raid of American army can still be found on the northwestern redbrick wall of the building.
It is winter time in December. Growing in front of the Common Subjects Classroom Building since the very first day of Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University, the three Okinawa pines are the oldest trees known to exist on campus. There were originally five of them, but two were poisoned and dried up in 1984. Luckily, the remaining three survived and thrive till now. To speak the truth, I believe the portrait conveys the imposing character of the trees (Well, every potter praises his own pot!).

Years fly by. Students come and go. I hope the sketches can freeze time and become an eternal memory of all students who have ever studied here. Let me cite, as a conclusion, a few lines of a song from the film Fiddler on the Roof.

Sunrise, Sunset
Sunrise, Sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Sunrise, Sunset
Sunrise, Sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Administration Building in February

Azaleas in March

White fringe tree in April

Golden shower trees in May

Flamboyant tree in June

NTU hospital in July

Ecological pond in August

Taiwanese rain trees in September

Ecological pond in October

Aged classrooms next to Xiao Xiao Fu Commissary in November

Three Okinawa pines in front of Common Subjects Classroom in December

Ivy over Common Subjects Classroom Building in January



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